These tips will help you get the most out of your property for sale.

Whe you want to sell your house in the middle of the real state market crisis, do everything you have to do to make it more attractive to potential  buyers. Remove all family photos from the walls and replace them  with  generic  lithographs.

You even  can  buy new towels  with matching  rugs in each bathroom , wich  you  will  only use when  visitor  arrive to see the house. Fold each item of clouthing in each closet and remove everything from the kitchen countertops.

Then pass the vacuum cleaner, starting at the top and then down and cleaning the entrance to each room so everything would be clean.

                                    Is this the way to go?

The answer is yes. The  routine gives effect and also results: the house will be sold in a month. Time to face the mess and do something about it.

1. Start preparing as soon as posible.

You can start preparing your house from the moment you decided to put it up for sale. But you really  should  give it between 90 and 180 days before you put it on the market. That will give you enough time to update it, make repairs and order.

2. Seek professional help with CONDOS IN CUBA .

CONDOS IN CUBA can give you information  about  similar properties in your area, price trends and what you can do to show your home well . Your house should look as fresh and neat as possible.

We take a tour of the house to see what is attractive , maybe it might not be so much  but that can be fix ,perhaps need  some  repairs  , after evaluating , based on a price .If some renovation can be done  that  will  improve the price of the property. You should keep your ears open, beacuse it is hard to accept criticism from the professionals or contractors.


Many sellers sometimes hesitage about make some improvements to their  property  before put in it on the market, such as replacing rugs or countertops , beacuse  they  believe the buyer will want to upgrade their own decor or style .

But buyers often want to move into ready-to-move houses. Most of them want to have the minimun changes. The goal is to get the best  price for your property.  

These are some of the tips to achieve the desire result with little effort:

  • Put order. You’ll have to order
  • Save your collection of memories. Buyers must be able to see themselves  living the house, so  should  remove  your  items. This includes  family  photos , trinkets ,collections ,trophies  and shoes  eveywhere  bedrooms or livingrooms .
  • Set the stage. If you  listen to us carefully, we can give you ,many tips on how to prepare your house to show it, where to place the furniture, the best way to light or how to create a reading corner.
  • Don’t  forget the cabinets. If you order  by putting things in the cabinets, is because you have not undesrstood well , buyers will check every corner.

¿How many times have we  opened  doors and things have fallen ?

Think of your storage areas as small rooms in your house and tidy  them up too. It is convenient to think about the taste and style of others more than  your  own , when you are arranging the house for sale .

  • Look at her( the property )from the outside. First impressions are everything, so  take a critical look at your home from  outside.
  • Clean ,Clean ,Clean: Your house may be minimalist dream , but if there is a layer of dust, potentials will notice, the house must be inmaculate.
  • Get rid of the smells and add more attractive smells: bake ,light candles or leave a well-made cake outside. The old cliche of cooking bread or buying flowers works.

4. Control your expenses

Be Careful and don’t spend too much. You may not regain your renovation costs if you spend on things that buyers in your zone don’t  want .

Price it appropriately. What you paid for your house when you bought  i t is  irrelevant  now ,the market may have changed since  then, along with the property values. If you price  too high, you will keep the( for sale ) sign for a long time.

We often see home owners overvaluing their homes. Our house is our castle, but just because we think it  is the best property on the market, dosen’t mean it is or that everyone will agree.

5. Disappears

The last thing  visitors  want  is to see , the current owner .Being overly attentive to buyers can instantly put them off .Let our agent show the you property. They are the professionals.

6. Keep the rythm

The longer a property stays on the market, the more it costs for owners to keep it in top condition. Even if you have shown the house a 100 times , you are still making beds, cleaning  sinks and bathrooms  before  visitors  arrive.

Maybe that visit 101 is the good one.  

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